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         TextFormats       = LeftText..RightText;
         CharSet           = Set Of Char;
         JustifyFormats    = LeftText..OutSideText;
         XYType            = (CursorX,CursorY);        (Real, DPMI)
         XYPosData         = Array[1..MaxXYSaves] of
                               Array [XYType] of Byte; (Real, DPMI)
         KeyBufferFunction = (Clear,Save,Restore);     (Real, DPMI)

    TextFormats will be used to format text.

    XYType and XYPosData  will  be  used  to  store information about the
    cursor position.

    KeyBufferFunction defines what functions  can be used on the keyboard

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson